Easton PA Injury Lawyers-Knafo Law Offices (610) 253-5555


Most amputations involve small body parts such as a finger, rather than an entire limb. About 65,000 surgical amputations are performed in the United States each year. In the United States, there are approximately 350,000 amputees, with some 135,000 new amputations occurring each year. If you have suffered an amputation as a result of a car accident or defective product call an Easton, PA personal injury lawyer. If you were involved in an Easton PA accident or Northampton County accident, it is important to protect your legal rights.  Review the "10 Rules to follow if you are in an accident" instructions provided.  Then call an Easton PA accident and injury lawyer and Easton PA amputation injury attorney who's firm handles Northampton County accident cases with amputation injuries.

KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC 2740 Nazareth Road Easton, PA 18045 (610) 253-5555